2012 Pesticide-Free Shou Mei

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There is a saying about Fuding White Tea:

"One year tea, three years medicine, seven years treasure."

Thus, this tea has passed its treasure mark. It is absolutely phenomenal now, and, stored properly, will just get better with time.

This white is one of my very favorite teas. This tea is naturally grown in the mountains near Fuding by teamaster Zheng Lifei. This is the most famous region for growing white tea in the world, with a coastal climate that tends to produce white teas that are relatively sweet and bold in character.

While its leaves still possess some of their youthful fuzz, Shou Mei is made from the more mature leaves of the tea plant. Dry, the leaves of this tea smell sweet and calming. Wet, its leaves smell smooth, yet spicy, calming and rich with a robust, sweet complexity and a bright zestiness reminiscent of tamarind.

This tea is sweet, smooth, earthy, and luscious, with notes of tobacco and apricot.

This tea lasts for about 8 brews, after which it can be boiled for several further infusions. This will yield a brew that is sweet, warming, savory, and nourishing, somewhat like a black tea without any tannins or bitterness.

Price is per 50 grams/1.76 ounces

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