2021 Sprout Tips Golden Flower Fu Tea

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Coming from the province of Shaanxi, Fu tea is a form of aged tea in the same category as puer.  Both are considered "black" in Chinese, not to be confused with what is called "black" in the West, which, in Chinese, is referred to as "red."  

What makes the aged tea from this region particularly special is the "Golden Flower" mushroom, which grows on the tea as it ages.  Long-hailed for its medicinal benefits, Golden Flower, or "jīn huā" in Mandarin, is used to ferment a variety of medicinal substances, in addition to tea, thereby potentiating their medicinal benefits.  Claims of these health benefits are bolstered by a growing body of scientific research, which has thus far shown Golden Flower (AKA Eurotium cristatum) to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-obesity, probiotic, and immunomodulatory effects, to lower cholesterol and lipid levels, and support a healthy gut biome, thereby benefiting digestive health.  Thus, it is unsurprising that studies suggest its may be useful in cases of ulcerative colitis, obesity, and both Type I and Type II Diabetes.  (See links at bottom of description for a fraction of these studies.)  In addition to its health benefits, Golden Flower's transformation of elements in the tea reduce its bitterness and impart a unique flavor, prized by connoisseurs.  When it comes to a Golden Flower Fu tea, the Golden Flower causes an increase in aromatic alcohols, improving the tea's aroma, while reducing polyphenol content, thereby reducing bitterness and astringency.  

Dry, this tea carries a soothing, dusky aroma, reminiscent of apricots and the purple.  A light sprinkling of golden flower is visible throughout the black leaves.  Wet, it carries a deep smell, reminiscent of ancient wood, leather, plum, and woodsmoke.  Brewed, its seaweed greenish-black leaves produce an ochre liquor with flecks of golden flower floating throughout.  Its delectably smooth flavor has notes autumnal notes of dry wood, cherry, and apricot, with rustic undertones.  Its luscious flavor profile is bright and complex, with elements reminiscent of forest floor and a clear stream flowing over smooth stones.  Its texture is smooth with an astringent aftertaste.  Its qi is balanced to slightly warm, and slightly dry.  This brew is focusing, smoothly subtle, easy on the stomach, and stimulating.  

Its character is like an ancient leather-bound tome in the subterranean library of an ancient knowledge-spirit.  It is also like being awakened from a gentle rest by the slightest of sunbeams, or like a late afternoon stroll through the forest on a beautiful day.  

Lasts about 10 brews.  

Price is per 100 gram (3.5 ounce) box, divided into 18 servings.  

Golden Flower studies:

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